Who We Are

XL International Group is a global Finance company. Projects investments around the Global Markets where there are no international sanctions. For the Betterment of Local Communities to Create Jobs for better Standard of Living.                                                                                                        


What we do: 

XL International Group help Clients and Companies raising project financing for improve the management and sustain growth. Due to our Successful Business Strategy. Due to our Financial Mechanism Expertise in financing we help Clients and Companies to create Jobs for Betterment of Local Communities.

XL International Group with high net worth individuals and Joint Venture partnership for investments around the World Strategic locations to create jobs for the Betterment of Local Communities (within international banking norms).

"Prefer to Work generally with Entrepreneurs with serious innovative projets such as Social, Education, Energy, Financing and Health just few to mention for improving our world"

Mr. Farouk Qureshi